Top tips on how to increase tyres life by car towing experts

Your primary concerns with car maintenance are probably related to maintaining fresh oil, topping off your fuel, and quickly fixing any “Check Engine” light issues. However, a lot of drivers often fail to take care of the one component of their vehicle that receives consistent damage, even while it is off.

Experts from car towing in Brisbane believe that as crucial as the engine and everything else are, tyres if not more than just as important as them. Mistreatment can cause them to malfunction. If it occurs, you can find yourself stuck or in a far worse situation.

How can you extend the life of your tyres and prevent any serious issues from developing?

With the help of experts from car towing in Brisbane, we will cover everything you need to know to avoid ending up on the side of the road, save money on replacements, and maintain your peace of mind.

Recommended tools and equipment every car owner should have according to the experts from car towing in Brisbane:

Every expert from car towing in Brisbane would believe that you should be prepared to handle simple maintenance activities before you even think about tyre care.

Not to worry. Because Brisbane’s tow truck experts believe there is no need for excessive amounts of these things, and you will be happy to have them on hand when they prevent you from using pricey services for such basic maintenance chores.

Electric Air Compressor For Home:

Brisbane tow truck experts believe that having an electric air compressor is a must-have. You will avoid a lot of hassles if you have a reliable air compressor in your garage or another convenient location at home. 

You really don’t need to have a professional handle it every time it happens because the air pressure in your tyres will change, which we will discuss in further detail later. You won’t need to drive to the nearest gas station with one or bring your car to a service only to obtain air because you have an at-home compressor that allows you to fill up your tyres anytime you need to. 

Additionally, it will prevent you from using low-pressure tyres while looking for a compressor.

Tire Gauge For Air Pressure Check:

Keep a basic tyre gauge with you at all times. You don’t require anything elaborate, and you can obtain a trustworthy one for under $10. This will enable you to periodically check your tyre pressure and immediately identify whether your tyres are to blame if you notice anything strange about the handling of your automobile.

A High-Quality Tyre Iron:

The majority of automobiles have this, but if yours doesn’t, it’s wise to buy one says every Brisbane’s tow truck expert. These normally range in price from $15 to $30, and using them is not too difficult. A socket head the size of a lug nut is on one end, and a pry bar is on the other. 

It can be used to pump up some jacks, pull the rubber off the rim, and even remove or replace your tyres. If you buy a jack, you will typically get one of these with it if it doesn’t already have one.

A Strong Ground Jack:

You must use a jack that is suitable for the kind of vehicle you are driving. It will be required for doing that repair if you acquire a flat on the side of the road and have to swiftly instal a spare. 

It can also be useful for raising your car at home so that you can handle other maintenance duties or carry out simpler home repairs when a mechanic is not required.

However, you must make sure the jack you purchase is suitable for your car. You run the risk of seriously hurting yourself if you try to raise a 3-ton pickup with a 1-ton scissor jack. Similarly, you don’t need to purchase a sizable hydraulic floor jack for your Prius truck. 

You will need to do a little bit of web research to determine which sort of jack is appropriate for the car you drive because there are so many different makes and models of cars and just as many different types of jacks to match them.

Compact & Portable Compressor:

Carrying a tiny, portable air compressor that plugs into your car’s charging port can be useful if you realise one of your tyres has low pressure while you are driving, however, it is not always preferable to merely rely on roadside assistance. One should always be self-sufficient, believe every Brisbane’s tow truck expert. 

It is much better to stop for five minutes to inflate up your tyre than to risk busting it while searching for a compressor or attempting to return to your home compressor. These, however, aren’t all that fantastic, so you shouldn’t always rely on one to take care of your tyres.

Regular Tyre Maintenance Is Required:

Every successful car towing expert in Brisbane, divide tyre care into two categories: preventative routine maintenance, which you should perform regardless of the state of your tyres, and emergency maintenance, which aims to fix problems before they worsen.

Let’s start by talking about the fundamental tasks that you ought to perform rather frequently.

1. Verify the air pressure

Every Brisbane’s tow truck expert will tell you that the life of your tyres and how well your car handles will both be significantly impacted by the pressure in your tyres. The sort of tyres you have will determine how much air they need. 

To determine the recommended PSI for your tyres, consult your owner’s handbook, and then make an effort to maintain your tyres as close to that value as you can. Additionally, the required PSI will be marked on the side of most tyres that faces outward. 

In order to determine what air pressure the tyre needs to maintain top performance, you may typically examine the tyre itself. Fortunately, you can easily keep the suggested PSI on your own. It is not necessary to get the car serviced by a mechanic for this task.

To do this, check the pressure in each tyre with your tyre gauge at least once every month. While driving between checkups, if you find that your automobile is tugging to one side or the other, you should also stop to check the tyre pressure on all four tyres. 

The tyre gauge is easy to use. Place the gauge securely around the valve after removing the valve cap. Depending on the sort of gauge you have, the departing air will activate the measuring mechanism on your gauge, and how you read the measurement will change.

To release a brief burst of air from a tyre that has too much pressure, squeeze the tiny pin inside the valve with your finger or any object that is small enough to do so. Repeat the process until the tyre is inflated to the proper pressure. Replace the valve cap after that.

Use your air compressor to fill the tyre if the pressure is low while periodically checking the pressure with your tyre gauge.

Experts from car towing in Brisbane believe that there are two reasons for it, it’s critical to maintain the proper pressure. First off, tyres are rarely consistently inflated incorrectly. Usually, one or two of them will be lower than the rest. You will need to steer more forcefully to counteract your car’s continual tug to one side of the road as a result. 

Unsurprisingly, that is one of the first indications that you should also check your tyre pressure. You therefore have to be concerned about wearing them out earlier than usual. Your rims can damage low-pressure tyres, and high-pressure tyres run the risk of blowing up because friction with the road causes them to expand above their safe limits. 

Those two scenarios are both very risky.

2. Verify The Tread

Anyone from Brisbane’s tow truck expert would tell you that your tyres’ treads help them hold onto the pavement. That tread is deteriorating as you drive. Your tyres will eventually lose traction, putting you at risk of slipping through turns or on particular road surfaces, or they will wear completely through and unexpectedly shred.

You may do the penny or quarter test at home without any extra tools in a pretty simple manner. Try sticking a coin or quarter between your tyres’ treads to see if you can spot Abe or George’s head sticking out over the tread. If you do, your treads will become worn out. 

It is advisable to be careful because the quarter is larger. Your tyres are almost completely worn down if you use a dime and you can see Lincoln’s head poking out. You have plenty of time to safely get to a store for new tyres with a quarter.

If you want extremely accurate measurements, you can also buy a depth gauge, but the coin test is generally trustworthy. Particularly if you use a quarter and inspect each tyre from both sides to check for any signs of uneven wear.

3. Rotations

You don’t need a Brisbane’s tow truck expert to tell you that your tyres will deteriorate while you are driving. They won’t degrade equally, though. Tires on each side of your automobile will degrade more quickly on one side than the other, depending on where and how you drive. Tires will wear out unevenly and lose their usefulness in half the time if you leave them in their original location.

To fix this, rotate them. You may make sure they wear out equally by switching the side of the car the tyres are on and shifting the front tyres to the back. On average, experts from car towing in Brisbane suggest that you should perform this every six to twelve months; however, more regular drivers will want to perform this more frequently.

This is something you can perform on your own, but you will need stands that can securely lift your car off the ground so you can work on all four tyres at once. Rotations are worthwhile if you need them frequently, but for everyone else, professional services are preferable. 

They will save you a tonne of hassles and are typically inexpensive because the work is straightforward.

Tire Upkeep: Emergency Maintenance

Get to safety and dial a reputable car towing service if your tyre explodes, gets a full-blown flat due to a hole, or otherwise becomes useless on the road. There is one circumstance, though, in which you might be able to handle it yourself.

Fix Your Tyre’s Punctures:

Even our experts from Brisbane’s tow truck experts would not be able to predict what is going to come next on the road. 

On the way to a job site, a carpenter could have unintentionally dropped a box of nails from his truck bed, a careless driver could have thrown a glass bottle into the road, or sharp pebbles could have fallen from cliffs along the side of the road, etc. 

You always run the danger of getting something stuck in your tyre, no matter what it is. When that occurs, you need to act right away.

Brisbane’s tow truck experts always recommend you to examine your tyres each time you take a ride. Are there any foreign things, such as nails, in one of the tyres? If so, try to move it if you can. You don’t want to leave rocks or other objects in between treads because they frequently become lodged there without doing any harm.

You must act quickly to prevent air from slowly leaking out and maybe causing even more harm if you go to remove the object and discover it has punctured the tyre while creating a relatively tight seal within the hole.

To accomplish this, either rush to your neighbourhood mechanic and pay for a tyre repair or pull out your own tyre repair kit.

A word of caution: Sometimes doing this incorrectly can be harmful. A lot of clients contact our car towing in Brisbane for damaged tyres while trying to fix it. Therefore, be sure that you are doing it correctly. The cost and turnaround time for tyre repair services when things like nails are lodged are both low. So it’s typically best to just let a professional do it.

Save Your Cash By Maintaining Your Tyre:

Although keeping up with your tyres may seem like a burden on top of everything else you need to do, it may actually save you a lot of money and hassles. Buying a whole set of cheap, old tyres can cost a few hundred dollars, and full tyre replacements with new tyres can now cost close to $1000.
Fortunately, if you adhere to these maintenance guidelines provided by Brisbane’s tow truck expert, you will quickly discover how to extend the life of your tyres, get the most mileage possible out of them without jeopardising your safety, and maximise your investment. Not to mention that they usually only require a minute or two and are rather simple.