
What To Pay Attention To While Driving In Heat And The Top Common Causes Of Car Summer Breakdown

Summer’s high temperatures have an effect on everything, including your car. Summer heat can drive your vehicle to its limits, leaving you stranded on the side of the road and in need of Brisbane towing services to save you. That is why it is important to ensure that your automobile is equipped for the summer sun.

Apart from planning your vehicle for the summer, there are a few things to keep in mind when driving in the heat.

When Driving In The Sun, There Are Six Things You Should Bear In Mind:

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Keep A Close Eye On The Temperature Gauge

Although it can seem difficult to concentrate on the road while driving in the summer, as well as all the variables that come with driving, it will quickly become a habit. Avoid getting distracted when driving and keep an eye on the temperature gauge to ensure that you are aware of when it is rising so you can take precautions.

Test The Tires Thoroughly

One important step in planning for a hot-weather journey is to check tire tread depth. Since the tire pressure increases slightly as the temperature rises, the under-inflated tire is easier to manage. If the tire deflates, however, the tires will lose traction and slip. As a result, you’ll need a tire-changing toolkit as well as the requisite equipment to change tires.

If your tires have any weaknesses, the heat will only escalate those problems. While it is recommended that you inspect your tires before driving, you should also check them periodically while driving, particularly if you think anything is wrong.

You don’t want your tires bursting in the middle of the road and leaving the only option of calling Brisbane towing services to save the day.

Keep An Eye On Your Car’s Coolant Levels

When your car’s coolant levels are adequate, you can rest assured that your vehicle’s engine will remain cool when driving in the summer sun. It is recommended that you top off the coolant if you encounter a decrease in the amounts. In case of an emergency, keep an extra bottle of coolant in the car.

The radiator’s cooling water should be changed on a regular basis. The amount of liquid in the plastic container under the hood, which is directly connected to the cooling system, must be checked. The high and low coolant levels will be labelled on the container’s side; the ideal liquid level will be between the two sides. You should also examine the radiator cooling water level under the radiator cover. Also, keep in mind to check only after the engine has been turned off.

If you open the radiator cap while the engine is still hot, the pressure in the coolant tank will shift abruptly, causing hot water to erupt and potentially burn you. Furthermore, if the water level is low, you must remember to add water.

Keep An Eye On The Air Conditioning System’s Efficiency

In the summer, maintaining a relaxed driving atmosphere is critical because it decreases fatigue, which is crucial for vehicle safety and driver alertness. A properly functioning air conditioner can be more than just a welcome relief from the summer sun. As a result, you should pay careful attention to how it works. If the car’s air conditioning isn’t holding the interior temperature as it should, the refrigerant level is low or something else is incorrect. It is highly recommended that you have your air conditioning system tested by a trained technician in this case by visiting Brisbane towing company or calling roadside assistance.

Keep An Eye On The Brakes

Vehicle rotors and brake pads are more likely to wear and crack when exposed to intense summer weather. Stop-and-go traffic, on the other hand, will damage the brake pads. As a consequence, while driving, you should pay careful attention to the brakes. If you hear some scraping or strange noises coming from your brake pads, you should stop immediately and call Brisbane towing services to have them looked at right away.

Carrying The Emergency Kits

You should always have a toolkit on hand, including wires, a tire puncture kit, a torch with a reverse battery, a reflective alarm triangle system or a vertical warning lamp, some hand tools, and a first-aid kit, to prepare for any potential accidents when you decide to travel long distances in the heat.

Otherwise, you will have to contact Brisbane Towing services for help in a very simple situation that you could have solved by yourself if you had the necessary tools at the time.

Finally, summer can be a challenging season for everyone, including your car. It is, however, the best time of year for long holidays with friends and relatives. The above suggestions and tips will go a long way toward assisting you and your vehicle in surviving the summer sun. If you fail to follow all the steps and end up facing any problem with your vehicle, you can call your Brisbane towing company to help you out.

Now let us take a look at the most common causes of a car breaking down due to the heat in the summer which has caused many to have to dial their regular Brisbane towing services for help.

Most Common Causes Of A Car Breaking Down Due To The Heat In The Summer

The Engine getting Overheated

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Summer brings higher temperatures, and you aren’t the only one who cares. Cars may get extremely hot, which is also one of the most leading causes of vehicle breakdowns during the summer.

Despite the fact that cars have a coolant system that constantly cools the engine, the hot weather forces it to work much harder, exposing any flaws in the system. A minor weak spot in a weakening seal, for example, may easily turn into a catastrophic leak.

A popular blunder is to just top up the coolant on occasion; just because there isn’t a leak yet doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

To prevent overheating, as we mentioned before, check the coolant level in your car on a regular basis; if you’re not sure where the reservoir is, consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual. If the problem persists, take it to your nearest garage for inspection or call your regular Brisbane towing company to come and take a look.

Wheels and Tires

Due to the intensive nature of a long-distance car ride, most people take their longest car trip of the year in the summer, and this trip is typically when all lurking problems that have been concealed all along are highlighted.

tire blowouts are common, but as we mentioned before, they can also be avoided by inspecting the tires before leaving the house. If you’re travelling with a caravan or trailer, don’t miss checking their tires as well.

High temperatures rarely cause new tire failure, but they can cause additional tire damage, which is aggravated by underinflation. When it comes into contact with the road, the amount of friction increases, producing more heat and making the weak spots vulnerable.

If your tires have some cracks in the rubber or are under pressure, this could indicate a puncture or the need to replace the tire. The easiest way to avoid tire failure is to check the pressure before going on a long trip and compare it to the prescribed value in the vehicle handbook.

Clutch Worn Down

The clutch in your car won’t last forever, and a burning smell is one of the first signs that it’s worn out. The clutch wears down more easily in hot weather, particularly when combined with the stop-and-go nature of slow traffic.

If you plan to tow a caravan or trailer, any clutch problems will become obvious quickly due to the additional pressure. When you combine this with hilly terrain, your clutch will begin to fail.

You should be on the lookout for the following warning signs if you don’t want your car to break down unexpectedly due to the clutch. If your car shudders as you try to accelerate and lift the clutch, it’s time to take it to the garage or call your Brisbane towing to have it looked over.

Battery Issues

When a vehicle’s battery is subjected to an increase in stop-start operation, which is normal in both traffic and short commutes, the battery may become defective.

Longer journeys placed more pressure on the vehicle battery due to the number of connected devices such as phones, and tablets all draining electricity. If the battery is running low, it will be slow to start or the lights will dim and take longer to turn on.

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If you know your battery is getting old, you should consider replacing it before going on a long summer road trip. The most common issues occur between years four and five, so it’s recommended that you change your car battery every three years.

If you can’t replace your battery right now, invest in a car battery charger to ensure it’s in the best possible shape.


A common driver concern is that cars are so complex that it’s difficult to say what and part does and what needs to be checked when you open the hood.

Many of these problems can be avoided by having your car serviced on a regular basis at your local garage, where you can easily allow a professional to assist.

Another valuable way to avoid being stranded is to purchase break down coverage, which ensures that if your vehicle breaks down, you will have the assistance of Brisbane towing services or roadside assistance to assist you and get you back on the road quickly.